Contact Centre Services
Vibrant Dynamics- The largest and fastest-growing Contact Center of Pakistan
Vibrant Dynamics Contact Center Services are a realization of our endeavor to provide a one-stop solution for customers’ needs while capitalizing on our strengths in consulting and technology segments. AbacusConsulting Contact Center unit offers world-class offshore outsourcing and consulting services by specializing in IT-enabled services, back-office processing, and BPO solutions; all this with reduced costs and improved quality substantially. Our strategic relationship with clients goes beyond incremental cost-saving and delivers significant business benefits in terms of business efficiency, effectiveness, innovation, and control. The main motive for Call Center solutions is to fuel company growth by allowing clients to invest time, money and human resources into their core activities and building strategies.
Our Customer Relationship Management Strategy
Customer Relationship Management at Abacus Consulting Call Center unit is a business strategy that influences our processes, culture, and technology to optimize revenue and increase value through understanding and satisfying the individual customer’s needs. Our strategy encompasses the entire spectrum of activities starting from segmentation of customers to acquisition and profitable retention. All of these activities are undertaken through strong operational processes that are effectively integrated with business intelligence.
Continuous Improvement in Outsourcing Partners Bottom-line
At Vibrant Dynamics, the key drivers for customer contact services are bottom-line cost reduction, process improvement, and standardization to reduce operating costs. We view outsourcing as a way of improving performance, enhancing innovation and creating a stronger competitive advantage for our clients.
In order to reduce the costs of contact center operations we focus on:
Reducing time to handle contacts.
Reducing the cost of resources and
Reducing the volume of contacts.